Sectors we serve
We're designed especially for the community and social care sector.
Recordbase keeps the person at the centre of their records. We help dozens of community sector NGO providers and thousands of health, wellness and social care professionals. We securely store the records of tāngata throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, empowering kaimahi to create positive change.
Designed by the sector for the sector, Recordbase understands the unique needs of social sector organisations working to improve people's lives. Our whānau of customers focus on the following areas: Mental health and addictions, domestic violence and family harm, housing services, disability support services, workforce training and supported employment, counselling, kaupapa Māori, youth services, and community social services.
Give your team the tools they need to take better care of your whānau. Let your team get back to what matters - people!
Features to suit you
- Streamline your work processes and save on screentime
- Share information seamlessly across your team
- Run pre-built reports on demand or work with our team to create custom reports
- Capture connections between whānau to build a complete picture of wellbeing
- Easily produce funder-compliant reports
- Fully customisable system to suit your requirements
- Take your impact further with analysis by our team of sector experts
...and more!
Which sector do you work in?
We're proud to support customers spanning across the community and social sector.