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Product Roadmap

What's coming up for Recordbase?

Our current mahi

We're committed to constantly making Recordbase better, more user-friendly and more responsive. We work closely with our customer whānau to understand their needs. 

Our Product Roadmap gives you a better understanding of what our team is working on right now and where our focus is heading in the future. Items listed here are subject to change.

Last updated: 19 September 2024

  • Coming soon
  • Under consideration
  • Launched

Easily turn data into insights

Our team are working to give kaimahi  and organisations access to information that is relevant and summarised in a way that is easy to understand. We are currently developing easily accessible data visualisations that highlight key information to help you tell a story quickly.

Enable e-referrals in Recordbase

Sharing important information about tāngata easily between systems reduces staff time with data entry and errors. It also means that you get more information about the tāngata you are working with.

Our team are exploring how organisations can host a public referral form to submit referrals directly to Recordbase. This will empower organisations to have the ability to collect referral information directly on their own website.

Expanding health metrics

Our team are working on better ways to easily capture, track and report on a broad range of physical health criteria.Expanding health metrics

Embedding Power BI

We want to make it quick and easy to create reports, dashboards, and analytics by embedding Power BI into Recordbase.

Improved group UX

There are times when a referral can represent more than just one person, for example Family/Whanau Services provide support to the whole family group. or the need to record support for Households. Our goal is to make it easy to support and record group work in an intuitive way. 

Notifications for tāngata

We want to provide a way for you to send notifications to the people you support. This can be used to mitigate the possibility of missed appointment.

MedTech/Alex integration

Using multiple systems is a reality for most health and social care providers. What shouldn't be a reality is the hassle of getting a single view of a person's care. By integrating with MedTech, we hope to remove one more barrier.

Consent Management

We believe that data is taonga, and that people's data is their own, and they should be able to decide who they share it with. We want to ensure that Recordbase supports this and provides the ability to apply consent to all data sharing.

NHI lookups

September 2024

Integrating the NHI Lookup tool into Recordbase to import client data.

User provisioning

September 2024

For any organisation that is leveraging single sign on in Recordbase, having to set up users in multiple systems is an overhead. We will explore ways to provide organisations with a way to automate this process.

Zavanti Integration

September 2024

Enabling a connection between Recordbase and Zavanti, means organisations will be able to see relevant information about the people they support directly in their properties without the need for manual data entry.

Expanding health metrics

September 2024

Our team are working on better ways to easily capture, track and report on a broad range of physical health criteria.

Identity as a service

August 2024

Making the most of world class identity infrastructure to provide integration with your own organisational security to access Recordbase. 

Improved collection of iwi affiliation

November 2023

Improved collection of iwi affiliation accessed via the person details screen. We wanted to make it as intuitive as possible to record iwi affiliation and have added a simple method to record a person’s iwi. 

Health metrics

November 2023

Collect a wide range of health metrics all while ensuring data quality is maintained through improved validation.

Health data visualisations

November 2023

Health metrics insights shows you a visualisation for key metrics your organisation is collecting.


September 2023

Tasks are a central part of how Recordbase helps you organise and plan work that needs to be done. We've made it easier to see only the tasks that are relevant to you or your team, and to filter information to suit your needs.


September 2023

Keeping notes is a core part of how kaimahi record information when working with tāngata. We have improved the notes handover report to include filters for easier searches.

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