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The client management system where data is taonga

We take data seriously. Privacy and data security are the foundations of Recordbase. We know it’s more than just data - it’s people’s lives.

When security matters

When you use Recordbase and the services of Wild Bamboo, you are entrusting us with one of your most valuable assets—your data.

You can trust that your data's privacy and confidentiality are top priorities for us. We take security very seriously and implement best practices in all aspects of our work. With over 25 years of experience in the field, our team understands the importance of privacy and ensuring that the right people have access to data at the right time for the right reasons.

Every day, we are dedicated to safeguarding the information of our customers and keeping it secure.

We believe data is taonga.

Cambridge Community House is a registered charity, promoting personal, family and community wellbeing in Cambridge, Waipā. Their support can include counselling, supporting whānau, assisting with family harm incidents, budget advice and other community services. Recordbase lets them capture the information they need easily, maintain the privacy and mana of their client information all while improving everyday mahi, and reporting.

Watch their story

Getting the balance right

Working in the social sector means balancing the need for respecting the privacy of tāngata, while ensuring your staff have access to the information they need.

Our system provides a flexible user, role, and permissions system configured to meet the needs of social sector organisations.  Recordbase access is controlled within the system, and access is defined by the organisation through user roles and teams or services/contract areas.  

Black listing, white listing and figuring out how or who has access to client information has access can seem daunting. Our team can walk you through what works best and help you ensure your internal security processes are robust.

Everything that happens in Recordbase is tracked for auditing.  You can track who has access information, where they signed in from and changes made and provide a comprehensive audit trail when needed.

How we keep your data safe

Security and privacy features

Leading cloud storage

Protected by Microsoft Azure - leading cloud hosting service, trusted by Fortune 500 companies, social sector, and health providers around the world.

Access management Multilayered access settings designed to protect client privacy but give your team access to the information they need when they need it.  
Regular backups

Be reassured that your vital information is backed up. In the unlikely event you need it we can restore your data to a potentially 5-minute window over the last 30-day period.

Government compliant Meets New Zealand Privacy Commission requirements for organisations working within the mental health sector.  
Geo-redundant storage Backups are stored in geo-redundant storage locations giving further protection against the possibility of outages impacting backup storage.  
Protected Recordbase is protected behind Azure Front Door, a modern content delivery network (CDN) with built-in security, that stops network and application layer attacks at the edge.    

Leveraging world class systems

Recordbase is fully supported by the Wild Bamboo team and is hosted using Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure is a leading provider of cloud hosting services, trusted by Fortune 500 companies, social sector, and health providers around the world. Azure provides comprehensive, multilayered security, including the largest compliance coverage of any cloud provider.

Recordbase undergoes regular security testing. We make sure it meets all data protection and compliance requirements in the Privacy Commission guidance for organisations using cloud-based systems and operating in the mental health and wellbeing sectors.

Our partners Parallo and CyberCX provide cutting-edge support to ensure that the data we hold on behalf of our customers is safe and protected.

"Recordbase meets the high government threshold for safety and security of client data.

The system does what it says it does, it’s safe and secure, meaning our clients and funders can trust how the data is captured, stored, and reported."

National Collective of Women's Refuges

Let's work together to create positive change!

Get in touch for a kо̄rero about how we can help you.