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Wild Bamboo teamNov 27, 2024 9:35:21 AM

New leadership at Wild Bamboo in 2025

In 2025, we're welcoming a new Chief Executive to the helm.


We are excited to announce the appointment of Peter Barralet as the new chief executive of Wild Bamboo.

Currently a Senior Manager at Accenture NZ, Peter combines an extensive background in the IT sector with a passion for innovation and working with great people.

In previous roles Peter has assisted various health sector agencies in the delivery and support of national IT systems through leadership and strategy positions within enterprise and vendor environments. During his career he has also successfully introduced innovative software products into Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. 

Peter will start as Wild Bamboo chief executive in January 2025, taking over from interim chief executive, Jo Scothern, who has led the Wild Bamboo team on secondment since February this year. A software developer at heart, Jo made the decision to return to his role as software product lead at Wild Bamboo and we are very pleased to continue having the benefit of his expertise and knowledge, as a leader in the Wild Bamboo team.

We look forward to introducing Peter to you in the new year.